
Honoring a Loved one Mind Mapping Activity

Honoring a Loved one Mind Mapping Activity

Use this mind map activity – by yourself or with others – to help you generate and select ideas for how to honor your loved one.

Mind mapping is a great way to quickly brainstorm information and find connections. It can be a helpful tool for involving multiple people in the ideation process and spark the sharing of memories and stories. This mind mapping activity is meant to help you generate and select ideas for how to honor your loved one. You can do this activity alone or with friends and family.

1) Print this page (or grab a blank sheet of paper) and a writing utensil

2) Set a timer for 5 minutes. Mind mapping should be fast, don’t erase or edit your ideas as you work.

3) Write your loved one’s name in the center of the page

4) Brainstorm themes that represent your loved one. These could be activities, experiences, hobbies, items, etc. Write these in larger circles surrounding their name. You can always add more or ignore circles. Example: Baking

5) Break each of these themes into subthemes and write these in the smaller circles surrounding the theme. Example: Christmas sugar cookies

6) Continue to brainstorm things that represent your loved one and filling in the mind map until the timer ends.

7) Take a minute to look at what you brainstormed. Think about which of your major themes reminds you of your loved one the most? What stands out to you the most? Where is there overlap between your themes and subthemes? Circle 1-2 themes and 1-2 subthemes as use these as a basis for planning a way to honor your loved one.

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